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30 Facts for Every Woman to Know

To all the young ladies out there, here are some practical tips for living out your best life:
  1. Don't get into a car with a stranger unless it's your Uber driver.
  2. If someone doesn't like you, it's their loss, not yours.
  3. Never date a loser out of sympathy.
  4. It has been said, "Don't spend more than $10 on mascara", but I say, "Don't spend more than $4.99 on mascara."
  5. The first time you wear a new pair of shoes, bring bandaids in your purse.
  6. Always carry a pen with you.
  7. Know how to use pepper spray.  And that includes reading the owners manual!
  8. Call your mom at least once a week!
  9. Your dignity is not measured in inches around your waste.
  10. You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
  11. Your family is the group that you'll have contact with the longest.  Don't let any other relationship come between you and your family.
  12. Leggings aren't pants.
  13. There's no such thing as a perfect person.
  14. Don't travel without money.
  15. Don't spend more than an hour a day on social media.
  16. There's more to you than the man you marry.  If there wasn't, then he wouldn't want to marry you.
  17. Being popular is not the same as being loved.
  18. The way you dress tells a story about you.  Make that story a good one!
  19. You don't need to earn love.  Hold your head high, because you are always worthy!
  20. Don't push yourself to do all the same things men can do.  You were made to do all the things that men cannot do.
  21. When you've been hurt, let yourself heal before you continue on with your life.
  22. Let boys be gentlemen.  You deserve the respect.
  23. Before you compare yourself to someone else, remember that we all look about the same when we wake up in the morning.
  24. You are strong and brave.
  25. You don't need a boyfriend to have fun.
  26. You don't need a boyfriend to be loved.
  27. Hang out with the people you want to be like.
  28. Don't give cheaters a second chance to break your heart.
  29. When entering the workforce, it's okay to not be particularly good at anything. You're just starting out, and you have the rest of your life to figure out what you do best.
  30. Smile every day!


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