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To Those who've Loved and Lost

To all the women who have lost motherhood through abortion,

I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for all the ways we have failed you.
I'm sorry for all the tears you cry silently, after the rest of the world has gone to sleep.
I'm sorry for the invisible pain that you carry everywhere you go.
I'm sorry for the pang you feel whenever you're at a child's birthday party.
I'm sorry you cannot hear your child's heartbeat.
I'm sorry you will never know your baby's gender, hair color, or eye color.
I'm sorry you can never see his little feet running, or hear her precious laughter.
I'm sorry that you've been robbed of the chance to cradle your child in your arms.

I'm sorry there was nobody there for you when you needed help.
I'm sorry you went through a traumatic and violating procedure.
I'm sorry we have lied that this is empowering.
I'm sorry we told you that this was your best choice, and then left you afterwards.
I'm sorry you were not fully informed of your options.
I'm sorry we did not tell you of the pain this would cause.
I'm sorry for the pressure put on you.
I'm sorry we were not there to counsel you from the beginning.
I'm sorry we were not there to comfort you afterwards.

I'm sorry we did not show you a way out of this.
I'm sorry we did not hold you up, and show you that you could do it.
I'm sorry you were not offered the resources necessary to continue on the path to your dreams with a child.
I'm sorry we made your goals seem impossible without an abortion.
I'm sorry for the men who pressured you to do it, because they didn't want responsibility for a child.

I'm sorry we lied that this would solve all your problems.
I'm sorry we tried to sweep your trials under the rug, promising they would all go away.
I'm sorry for the times we've failed to report abuse and rape.
I'm sorry that society makes light of what you've been through.
I'm sorry for the lie that what caused you so much sadness and self-hatred was "the right thing for you".

I'm sorry we're never willing to let you tell your story, afraid it might upset someone.
I'm sorry we've sidelined and silenced your pain.

I'm sorry for failing to love you.

Please know that we are here for you now. Please know we are ready to listen. Know that there is healing and forgiveness for you. Know that you are loved.

Know that it's okay to cry.  It's okay to have regrets.  It's not a crime to still love your baby.  Know that you are still a beloved child of God.  Know that your child is still your child, even though you cannot see him, hear him, or touch him.  Know that she is resting in the arms of Jesus.  Know that she still loves you!

To learn more about post-abortive healing, go to
For help in a crisis pregnancy, call 1-800-550-4900, or visit


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