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The Fashion Fiend

Well ladies, it's been a while, but I'm back.  And this time I'm more irritated than ever!  It's homecoming season, and I've been doing some online shopping, and I am getting extremely frustrated with some of the current modeling trends.  Every time a dress is modeled, even just when girls are getting their pictures taken in their lovely dresses before they run off to the dance, there is always a picture that features whatever unique cut-out this dress has.  It's like that's the most important thing about it!

To be fair, I do appreciate when the online pictures of the dress are honest, and I know everything about the dress before I buy it.  And in all honesty, I don't claim to be perfect with regards to modesty.  I've definitely had my share of wardrobe malfunctions, and instances where I buy something that looks fine when I try it on, but when I go to sit down, bend over, or kneel in it, it's not so fine.

But the way the stores are advertising the "sexy feature" these days, they show it off quite proudly, assuming it to be the number 1 quality the customer looks for in a dress.  It's the first thing they want the shopper to notice.  This is a classic, real-life example of the way our culture has lied to us that women are worth only the sum of their parts.

Have you ever noticed the selfie trend where girls take a picture of themselves all dressed up, but they cut off their heads?  Totally guilty right here!  There's plenty of innocent reasons for it--maybe you haven't done your hair and makeup yet, or you just want to show everyone your outfit without it being about you--but at the end of the day, it gives the message to your viewers and to yourself that your face doesn't matter; it's only about your body.  It feeds the lie that your beauty and identity revolve not around who you are, but what you are.

There's a lot of pressure on girls, especially young teenagers, to buy the clothes with edgy cutouts.  The culture tells you that you won't be noticed unless you wear something that will make people want to look at you.  The "if you got it, then flaunt it" mentality tells us to put our bodies out their, so that our love interest and peers will see how we measure up.  This gets mistakenly called confidence.  You know what it actually is?  It's sexism!  Don't try to tell me that modesty is oppression of women while girls are being pushed to cover less and less in order to get a guy to like them!  Boys don't have to go through this drama, so why should we?

Let's take a break and remind ourselves a few things:
  • You are worth more than the sum of your parts.
  • You are not a body, you are somebody.
  • No one has a right to see more of you than you are comfortable with.
  • You are not a number of pounds, a number of inches, a body type, or a pants size.  You're a person!
  • You are fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14)

Let's reclaim these truths, and and show the world what we're really worth!


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