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Showing posts from June, 2019

To Those who've Loved and Lost

To all the women who have lost motherhood through abortion, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all the ways we have failed you. I'm sorry for all the tears you cry silently, after the rest of the world has gone to sleep. I'm sorry for the invisible pain that you carry everywhere you go. I'm sorry for the pang you feel whenever you're at a child's birthday party. I'm sorry you cannot hear your child's heartbeat. I'm sorry you will never know your baby's gender, hair color, or eye color. I'm sorry you can never see his little feet running, or hear her precious laughter. I'm sorry that you've been robbed of the chance to cradle your child in your arms. I'm sorry there was nobody there for you when you needed help. I'm sorry you went through a traumatic and violating procedure. I'm sorry we have lied that this is empowering. I'm sorry we told you that this was your best choice, and then left you afterwards. I'