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Showing posts from August, 2020

What a Great Mind Looks Like

"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."  These words are famously attributed to Elenor Roosevelt, wife of president Franklin D. Roosevelt, and first lady of the United States from 1933-1945.  Elenor was a classy and inspirational woman whom many, myself included, look up to.  But one might easily find her words condescending toward those interested in their friends and family.  Being very extroverted myself, I find other people to be one of my greatest interests!  Does this make me a small mind?  Well, Elenor Rosevelt cannot make me feel like a small mind without my consent, but let's talk about it! Some people are naturally interested in ideas, some in facts, and some in people.  Each of these interests comes with its own set of strengths and temptations.  People who are interested in other people often face a temptation to gossip, just as those interested in facts and ideas face temptations toward other things.  The greatne